Today we had our final "beginning of the year" meeting. I have had very little time in my classroom, and with the challenges of small children who need childcare, I have not been preparing in the way I would have liked to. I am fully intending on modeling this year, but I am particularly worried about applying this new method of instruction to my second year physics students and my Light, Sound and Waves elective. The former already have a strong foundation in this material, and the latter have none. How do I model wave motion with students who don't already know the concepts of force, velocity, energy, etc.? At the same time, how do I model with students who already "know all the answers?" In any case, it looks like Labor day weekend will be spent laboring. That seems counter to the cause for the holiday, but as a teacher, I guess this is just par for the course. I guess I am just a bit upset that the summer has drawn to a close and the whirlwind of the school year is about to begin. I will try to keep blogging to journal my escapades as a new modeler. The more you read and comment, the more likely I will be to stick with this method of reflection.
Of course, there is a part of me that can't wait to say, "Does this seem like something we can measure? Does that sound like a lab? Great, get started!" And of course, "To make this easy, I will make it multiple choice."
I look forward to interacting with you all in cyberspace!